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Self-Inflicted Dermatoses의 임상적 고찰
A Clinical Study of Self-Inflicted DermatosisSelf-Inflicted Dermatoses의 임상적 고찰
김학주 ( Hak Ju Kim ) , 고유수 ( Yoo Soo Ko ) , 이재승 ( Jae Seung Lee ) , 조옥자 ( Ok Ja Joh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-020109083

Background: Self-inflicted dermatosis is a kind of self-inflicted skin disease. Most Vietnam veterans from Korea have visited the Veterans Hospitals for dermatological examination to determine the relationship between their skin diseases and Agent Orange. We were suspicious of the possibility that several Vietnam veterans intentionally produced their own skin lesions. Objective: We conducted this study to determine the clinical characteristics of self-inflicted dermatoses of Korean Vietnam veterans. Methods: From January, 1999 to December, 2007, a total 24 Vietnam veterans who were diagnosed as having self-inflicted dermatoses during their dermatological examinations at our hospital were included in this study. We investigated their clinical presentation, the laboratory examinations, the pathologic examinations, the medical records and the associated diseases. Results: Itching was the most common subjective complaint and the duration of the itching was as follows; 20 to 30 yrs (50.0%), 1 to 10 yrs (25.0%), 10 to 20 yrs (20.8%) etc. The skin lesions were all multiple, and the involved area was as follows; upper extremities (83.3%), trunk (75.0%), lower extremities (70.8%) etc. There were two categories of clinical skin presentation. The first was the cases with lesion that were thought to be made by physical trauma such as stinging or excoriation, and the second more common cases had lesions that were thought to be made by chemical agents (70.8%). These cases resembled allergic or toxic irritant dermatitis and the lesions were composed of vesicles, erosions, ulcers and crusts that were within an arm`s reach. Only 4 cases admitted to intentionally inflicting their skin lesions because of intense itching, and the others denied that they made the skin lesions by themselves. Skin biopsies were carried out in 19 of the total 24 cases, and the most common finding was spongiotic dermatitis (57.8%). Conclusion: This study showed the distribution and characteristics of self-inflicted dermatoses, and the study provides fundamental data for dermatologists to assess patients with self-inflicted dermatoses. (Korean J Dermatol 2009;47(3):259∼267)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]