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갯벌 미생물 활성 및 다양성에 미치는 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE)와 MTBE 대사산물의 영향
Effect of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether and Its Metabolites on Microbial Activity and Diversity in Tidal Mud Flat
조원실 ( Won Sil Cho ) , 조경숙 ( Kyung Suk Cho )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-470-020199980

갯벌 토양 내 미생물 군집에 미치는 methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE)와 그의 대사산물인 tert-butyl alcohol(TBA) and formaldehyde(FA)의 영향을 조사하였다. 서로 다른 농도의 MTBE, TBA 및 FA를 갯벌 토양 microcosm에 첨가한 후 30일 간 실온에 방치했다. Microcosm 시료의 pH, 수분함량, 유기물 함량 등의 물리·화학적 특성을 측정하였다. 총 세균수와 탈수소 효소 활성변화를 측정하였고, 미생물 군집 구조는 16S rRNA-PCR-DGGE(Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) fingerprinting 기법을 이용해 모니터링 했다. 그 결과, MTBE, TBA 및 FA 첨가 농도와 물리·화학적 요인들 사이에는 상관관계가 없었다(P>0.05). 탈수소효소 활성과 총 세균수는 MTBE, TBA 및 FA 농도가 증가 될수록 감소하였다(P<0.05). 각각의 독성 물질들이 미생물 활성에 저해 영향을 주었으며 이들의 저해 정도는 FA>MTBE>TBA 순이었다. MTBE, TBA 및 FA 노출 후 군집의 우점종을 살펴 본 결과 Sphingobacteria, Flavobacteria, delta-proteobacteria, gamma-proteobacteria로 크게 네 그룹으로 이뤄졌다. 미생물 군집의 다양성 지수는 MTBE 및 대사산물의 주입농도의 영향을 받지 않았다.

The effect of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and its metabolites like tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), and formaldehyde (FA) on microbial activity and diversity in tidal mud flat was studied. MTBE, TBA, and FA with different concentrations were added into microcosms containing tidal mud samples, and placed at room temperature for 30 days. Then the physico-chemical properties such as pH, moisture contents and organic matter contents in the microcosms were measured. In addition, the total viable cell number and dehydrogenase activity were measured. Bacterial communities in the microcosms were monitored using a 16S rRNA-PCR-DGGE (Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) fingerprinting method. As a result, the exposure concentrations of MTBE and its metabolites showed no correlation with the physico-chemical factors (P>0.05). Dehydrogenase activity and total viable cell number were decreased with increasing MTBE, TBA and FA concentrations (P<0.05). The toxic effect was higher the following order: FA>MTBE>TBA. Dominant species in the microcosms contaminated with MTBE and its metabolites were Sphingobacteria, Flavobacteria, delta-proteobacteria, gamma-proteobacteria. The diversity of bacterial community was not significantly influenced by MTBE and its metabolites.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]