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한국(韓國)의 기우풍속(祈雨風俗)에 관한 연구(硏究) -경상남도(慶尙南道)를 중심(中心)으로-
A Study of the Ritual for Rain in Korea -With Focus on Kyung-sang-nam-do province-
강용권 ( Yong Kwon Kang )
석당논총 vol. 6 7-47(41pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-910-019883929

In this paper I have divided, cur ritual for rain into two types: governmental and nongovernmental, and have studied diachronically the distinctive quality and significance of the ritual according to the style or performance, the location, and the object prayed to. 1) Each period emphasizes different aspects of the ritual`s performance. 2) Some of the customs associated with praying for rain have undergone changes in their original significance, and have merged into other types later on. 3) The ritual had been a public ceremony from the Three Kingdoms Period up to the Yi Dynasty, but afterwards it became nongovernmental, and kings and government officials ceased to participate in it. 4) However, there are some aspects of the ritual which have not been moditied since the Three Kingdoms Period. 5) The locations of the ritual performance, which had varied until the close of the Yi Dynasty, have been limited, and the objects of worship also have been limited; however, through all ages, tithe dragon has been worshipped. Then though the ritual or praying for rain has declined with the development of science, the need for both the community feeling resulting from the voluntary participation on the part of the country people and the sense of religious purification will not disappear.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]