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밀양지역의 분묘문화
A Culture of a Tomb in the Miryang Area
김재현 ( Jae Hyun Kim )
석당논총 vol. 39 89-111(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-910-019884375

인골에서는 파손되거나 결락되기 쉬운 뼈들이 잘 남아 있어서 습골에 의한 移葬이나 改葬의 가능성은 없었다. 그리고 성별과 연령에서는 60대의 남성임이 확인되었다. 그러므로 1332년을 출생연도로 한다면 誌石의 89세보다 기록의 사망연대인 67세에 더 근접하게 된다. 그리고 인골 분석에서는 남성 1개체만이 확인되어 부부장이 아니고 단독장임을 알 수 있었다. 또한 추정 키는 155cm이다. 그러므로 이러한 결과를 기록이나 발굴조사 성과와 비교·분석한 결과, 처음에 다른 곳에 부인인 성주 배씨와 함께 매장되어 있던 것을 장자인 融에 의해 移葬되면서 지금의 방형분에 朴翊 만이 매장되었을 것으로 보았다. 그러나 그렇게 되기 위해서는 처음 매장된 곳이 지금의 분묘와는 결코 지리적으로나 거리적으로 먼 곳이 아닌 아주 가까운 곳이며, 移葬도 새 목관이 아닌 본래의 목관을 그대로 옮겨 봉안하였다고 보아야 한다. 즉 처음 매장되었을 때의 목관을 그대로 사용하여 아주 짧은 거리만을 최대한 조심스럽게 움직이지 않고서는 도저히 현재와 같은 상태로 노출되기 어렵기 때문이다. 그리고 이장의 단계에서는 단독 매장을 택하고 있는데, 그것은 아마도 불교의례에 입각한 고려의 장례방법을 충실히 따른 결과로 보아진다.

Among human bones found in the tomb, parts that might have been easily broken or lost remained in good state. This means that those bones were not reburied after being later cremated, or reinterred. A person to which those bones belong was identified as a man in his 60s. If it is assumed that the man was born in 1332, it more complies with related records that he was dead at 67, though the memorial stone of the tomb says that the man passed away at 89. The bones was examined to show that the buried man was male. This means that the tomb is a single-buried tomb, not a double-buried one of husband and wife. It was estimated that the buried man was 155 cm in height. The related records and findings of the study were analyzed to find that the buried man named Park Ik was first buried together with his wife, Mrs. Seongju Bae, but later reburied alone by his oldest son, Yung into another place, that is, the present square-shaped tomb. This suggests that the present tomb is very near from that where the dead was first buried and that the wooden coffin where the man was placed was invariably used in reburying him. Unless the buried man was moved to such near place by using the same coffin, his bones could never be kept in such good state as present. The fact that the man was reburied alone, or that single burying was used suggests that in the reburying, the funeral method of the Koryo period based on Buddhist ways was fully observed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]