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유산양(乳山羊)에 있어 농후사료(濃厚飼料) 다급시(多給時) 중조(重曹)의 급여(給與)가 유생산량(乳生産量) 및 반추위생리(反芻胃生理)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Effect of Feeding High Concentrate and Sodium Bicarbonate Supplement to Milking Goats on Rumen Physiology, Milk Composition and Production
최경문 ( Kyung Moon Choi ) , 김영길 ( Young Kil Kim ) , 방극승 ( Keuk Seung Bang )
석당논총 vol. 1 249-264(16pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-910-019887245

乳山羊에 있어서 濃厚飼料 多給時에 除酸劑인 重曹를 投與함으로써 胃內 protozoa 變化 胃液의 pH 總揮發性脂肪酸 生成量 乳量 및 乳質 등에 미치는 影響을 究明코자 粗飼料多給區(T1) 濃厚飼料 多給區(T2) 重曹處理區(T3)의 3處理에 乳山羊 3頭씩 配置하여 飼養實驗을 實施했던 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 試驗期間中 供試畜의 體重은 處理가 달라정도 큰 變化가 없었으며 處理別 1日 頭當 TND 攝取量은 T2區와 T3區보다 높았다. 2. 乳量, 乳比重 SNF의 含量은 處理別로 큰 差異가 없었으나 乳脂肪은 U2區가 3.1%로 有意的으로 (p<0.05) 낮고 重曹의 投與로 乳脂肪이 3.4%로 向上되었다. 3. 胃液의 pH는 T2區가 5.9로서 T1區에 比해 有意的(p<0.05) 낮으며 重曹를 投與함으로써 pH가 현저히 增加하였으며 總 VFA의 含量은 個體間에 差異가 컸으며 處理間에는 有意性이 없었다. 4. 重曹를 投與하였을 때 Rumen內의 總 protozoa는 현저히 增加하였으나 microfauna의 변동에는 아무런 影響을 미치지 못하였다.

The experiment was conducted to study the effect of high concentrate feeding and of sodium bicarbonate supplement to milking goat on rumen protozoa change, rumen fluid pH, Total VFA production, milk production and milk composition with 3 heads of milking goats. The three treatments were composed of high roughage ration (T1) and high concentrate ration (T2) and high concentrate ration supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (T3). The results obtained are as follows: 1. The body weight of milking goats was not changed remarkably by the different treatment and the daily TDN intake per animal of T2 group was much greater than those of T1 and T3 group. 2. Milk production, specipic gravity, and solid-not-fat concentration was not affected significantly by different treatment. The milk fat concentration of high concentrate feeding group was 3.1% on an average which was significantly (p<0.05) low value than that of high roughage feeding group. The supplement of sodium bicarbonate increased the milk fat to 3.4%. 3. The pH of rumen fluid (5.9) of T2 group was significantly(p<0.05) lowered compared with T1 group and sodium bicarbonate increased pH value remarkably. 4. The sodium bicarbonate supplement increased the number of total protozoa and, however, was unable to affect the change of microfauna.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]