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두피 및 눈썹 부위의 반흔에서 시행한 미세색소침착술 결과
Micropigmentation on Scalp and Eyebrow Scars is Worth Practicing두피 및 눈썹 부위의 반흔에서 시행한 미세색소침착술 결과
김성민 ( Senog Min Kim ) , 윤석권 ( Seok Kweon Yun ) , 김한욱 ( Han Uk Kim ) , 임철완 ( Chull Wan Ihm )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008678618

Background: Scars on hair-bearing skin such as the scalp and eyebrow produce an unsightly cosmetic appearance because of the absence of hairs on the areas. Recently micropigmentation of the scar area has been practiced to improve this defect. Objective: To evaluate the result of the micropigmentation accomplished to improve the cosmetic appearance of the scars on hair bearing skin. Methods: Follow-up assessment of micropigmentation was made in 18 patients with scars on their scalp or eyebrows. Besides the clinical evaluation, histopathological observation at intervals of over a one year period was made to observe the remained pigments in the skin tissue after the procedure. Results: 17 patients out of the 18 patients (94%) showed excellent or good results. No complications were seen. Painful sensation of the treated site was present for two days after the procedure. Histopathologically the pigments initially occupied down to the deep dermis but three weeks later the pigments remained only in superficial dermis and, thereafter, did not change significantly between four weeks and one year. onclusion: Micropigmentation of the scalp and eyebrow scars is a safe procedure with satisfying cosmetic results. Histopathologically the pigments were removed from the deep dermis within three weeks of the procedure and remained in superficial dermis thereafter. (Korean J Dermatol 2008;46(3):305∼309)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]