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연령별로 본 여성의 미의식 및 미용성형수술에 대한 인지도 연구 - 수도권 거주 여성을 중심으로 -
A Study on Feeling of Women about Aesthetic Sense and Aesthetic Surgery according to Age
최미혜 ( Mi Hye Choi ) , 김주덕 ( Ju Duck Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-590-002639226

This study has conducted a comparative analysis on degrees of recognition and the actual status of the concept of ideal appearances and plastic surgery to achieve them through comparing women`s awareness of beauty by age and according to whether or not they have plastic surgery, by making a survey of general women in from their 20s to 50s living in the National Capital region. The purpose of this study is to help make up for problems caused by indiscreet surgery through making women have proper aesthetic consciousness and be aware of ideal appearances in a right way and finding out the reality of plastic surgery accurately. In addition, by delivering knowledge about plastic surgery, it aims at making one understand plastic surgery, one of axis of the cosmetic industry precisely. This study was conducted by employing literature review and a questionnaire survey and it made the survey by distributing 100 survey sheets per an age group (50 sheets to ones with plastic surgery and 50 sheets to ones without it) and 400 survey sheets in total and 389 returned sheets except 11 unavailable sheets were used as final data. To summarize the results of the study is as below. 1. In a survey on aesthetic consciousness, all the women were thinking that beauty is given inherently and it is closely related to appearances and even beautiful appearances affect the formation of personal relationship. However, it was found that they regard individual beauty rather than general beauty as important. 2. In a survey on appearances, in all the age groups, they considered that appearances are important in social life and also they considered appearances as a necessary factor for success in life and it was found that they had experiences in being discriminated due to appearances. In addition, the percentage of women who thought that appearances are changeable depending on one`s own efforts as much as they want was high in every age group equally and especially the percentage was higher in the younger age groups. 3. In a survey on plastic surgery, in all the age groups, they regarded it positively and had interest on the surgery. In acquiring the information about the surgery, the younger age groups often use the Internet and as problems they take into consideration most when they decide the surgery, the younger age groups considered economic factors rather than the side effects of the surgery. However in all the age groups, they thought that their appearances would change positively after the surgery. 4. In a survey only of ones having plastic surgery, as persons who recommend the surgery, in the younger age groups, the answers of by themselves and their parents were most. As merits after having plastic surgery, in the younger age groups, the answers of good personal relationship and getting rid of a sense of inferiority were most. In addition, in degrees of satisfaction after having the surgery, in all the age groups it showed relatively high and the reaction of people around them was positive but the people didn`t recognize what they had done with their appearances. Moreover, about the side effects of the surgery, they were not informed sufficiently and it was found that they had the surgery without worrying about particular side effects.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]