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KCI 후보
뇌성마비아의 시지각 능력과 언어학습기능과의 관계 연구
Study on the correlation between visual perceptual ability and Language Learning skills with children cerebral palsy
박순길 ( Soon Gil Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-370-000113083

본 연구는 뇌성마비아의 시지각 능력(시각변별, 시각기억, 시-공간관계, 시각형태항상성, 시각계열기억, 시각전경-배경, 시각완성)과 언어학습기능(읽기, 쓰기, 문장 이해력, 어휘력)에서 집단간 차이를 보였는지를 알아보았으며, 뇌성마비아의 시지각 능력과 언어학습기능 하위 변인간의 상관관계와 언어학습기능을 가장 잘 예언해주는 시지각 변인이 무엇인지를 회귀분석을 통해 알아보았다. 첫째, 뇌성마비아는 비장애아동보다 시각형태항상성만 제외하고, 시각변별, 시각기억, 시공간관계, 시각계열기억, 시각전경배경, 시각완성에서 전반적으로 시각처리능력이 낮다고 할 수 있다. 둘째, 뇌성마비아는 언어학습기능(읽기, 쓰기, 문장이해력, 어휘력)에서 비장애아동보다 낮은 능력을 보였다. 셋째, 뇌성마비아의 시지각 능력과 언어학습기능과의 상관은 매우 높으며, 특히 쓰기, 문장이해력, 어휘력과의 상관은 매우 높게 나타났고, 뇌성마비아의 쓰기, 문장이해력, 어휘력을 예언하는 변인으로는 시공간관계와 시각계열기억으로 나타났다. 비장애아동의 시지각 능력과 언어학습기능과의 상관은 쓰기에서만 유의미한 상관을 보였으며, 비장애아동의 쓰기를 예언하는 시지각 변인으로는 시각변별로 나타났다. 따라서 뇌성마비아의 쓰기에는 시공간관계가 중요한 변인이고, 비장애아동의 쓰기에는 시각변별이 중요한 변인임을 알 수 있다.

The purpose of this study was to explore the difference between visual perceptual ability(visual discrimination, visual memory, visual-spatial relationship, visual form constancy, visual sequential memory, visual figure-ground, visual closure), language learning skills(reading, spelling, comprehension of sentences, vocabulary). Moreover, the correlation between visual perceptual ability and language learning skills with children cerebral palsy displays an inferior element. This study was also concerned with finding out what primary factors of visual perceptual ability are best at predicting language learning skills by using multiple regression analysis. The 30 cerebral palsy were recruited from a special elementary school and they were compared to normal control children who had the same mental age as the 30 cerebral palsy in a K-SPM Raven Intelligence Test(Yim, 2004). The participants were presented Visual-Perceptual Skills Test-Revised(Gardner, 1996). Moreover, The Basic Learning Skill Tests(Park et al, 2001) and A Picture-Vocabulary Test(Kim et al, 1995) were also measured to identify the language learning abilities of the cerebral palsy. The results of the study were as follows; First, the cerebral palsy had generally low visual perceptual ability in visual discrimination, visual memory, visual-spatial relationship, visual sequential memory, visual figure-ground and visual closure except for visual form constancy. Second, the cerebral palsy had lower ability than the normal in language learning skills including reading, spelling, comprehension of sentences and vocabulary. Third, there was a very close relationship between visual perceptual ability and language learning skills of the cerebral palsy, and spelling, comprehension of sentences and vocabulary were especially related to each other. Furthermore, spelling, comprehension of sentences and vocabulary were predicted by visual-spatial relationships and visual sequential memory. For normal children, the relationship between visual perceptual ability and language learning skills only affected spelling. Visual discrimination was the major factor that predicted spelling for normal children. Therefore, it can be said that visual-spatial relationships are an important factor in spelling for the cerebral palsy, whereas visual discrimination was more important for the normal. Children.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]