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KCI 등재
Historical Importance of the Biography of Zaya Pandita
( Junko Miyawaki Okada )
알타이학보 15권 113-127(15pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-710-001037973

The Biography of Zaya Pandita, titled “Tale called Moonlight of Rab'byams-pa Zaya Pandita”, was composed in the 1690's or somewhat later in present-day Dzungaria. Its author, Gelong gsol-dpon Radnabhadara, was a disciple of the first Zaya Pandita Nam-mkha'i-rgya-mtsho. Its story starts with the birth of the first Zaya Pandita in 1599. In 1615 he was chosen by Baibaghas, the Khoshuud chief, to be an adopted son and received commandments of a bande, when the Oyirad tribal chiefs became first Tibetan Buddhists under the political influence of their eastern neighbor, the Khalkha Mongols. He studied twenty-two years in Tibet from the next year 1616 and became a highest monk ever produced by the Oyirads. It was he himself who created in 1648 the Oyirad alphabet, or todorkhoi uzuq (clear alphabet), by improving the traditional Mongolian alphabet. His biography itself, except sutras translated from Tibetan, was the earliest source written in the Oyirad script. After his death in 1662, the story goes on to tell about the fate of his disciples who were waiting in Dzungaria for the arrival of his reincarnation born in Khara Khoto and was studying in Tibet. In 1687 the Oyirad and the Khalkhas were greatly disturbed, and while Galdan marched into the Khalkhas in 1688, there was a civil war in the kuree (mobile monastery) of Zaya Pandita. It is said in the end of the story that only one hundred men or so were left from the sevenhundred and fifty of the kuree after those killed in the war, those starved to death and those murdered by 1691. Nothing is said to what happened to the second Zaya Pandita. His kuree being totally destroyed, he must have stayed in Tibet and never returned to the land of the Oyirad. There exist no historical records like this that allows us an insight into the reality of the Oyirad community in the seventeenth century.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]