In this study, photochemical advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) utilizing the Photo Fenton reaction (Fe^(2+)+H₂O₂+UV) were investigated in lab-scale experiments for the treatment of livestock wastewater. For the experimets, the livestock wastewater was pretreated by coagulation with 3,000 ㎎/L FeCl₃. The optimal conditions for Photo-Fenton processes were determined: pH was 5, the concentration of ferrous ion (Fe Ⅱ) was 0.01 M. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 0.1 M, and molar ratio (Fe^(2+)/H₂O₂) was 0.1. The optimal reaction time was 80 min. Under the optimal condition of Photo-Fenton process, chemical oxygen demand (COD), color and fecal coliform removal efficiencies were about 79, 70, and 99.4%, respectively and sludge production was 7.5 mL from 100 mL of solution.