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양돈폐수처리시 실규모 이단 혐기성공정의 성능 및 메탄회수
Methane Recovery and Performances of Full-scale Two-stage Anaerobic Process Treating Piggery Wastewater
정진영 ( Jin Young Jung ) , 정윤철 ( Yun Chul Chung ) , 강신현 ( Shin Hyun Kang ) , 정형숙 ( Hyung Sook Chung )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-530-001843159

The purpose of this study is to investigate the performances of organic removal and methane recovery by using a full scale two-phase anaerobic system. The full scale two-phase anaerobic process was consists of an acidogenic anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and a methanognic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. The volumes of acidogenic and methanogenic reactors were designed to 28.3 ㎥ and 75.3 ㎥. The two-phase anaerobic system represented 60-82% of COD removal efficiency when the influent COD concentration was in the range of 7,150 to 16,270 ㎎/L after screening (average concentration is 10,280 ㎎/L). After steady-state, the effluent COD concentration in the methanogenic reactor showed 2,740±330 ㎎/L by representing average COD removal efficiency was 71.4±8.1% when the operating temperature was in the range of 19-32℃. The effluent SCOD concentration was in the range of 2,000-3,000 ㎎/L at the steady state while the volatile fatty acid concentration was not detected in the effluent. Meanwhile, the COD removal efficiency in the acidogenic reactor showed less than 5%. The acidogenic reactor played key roles to reduce a shock-loading when periodic shock loading was applied and to acidify influent organics. Due to the high concentration of alkalinity and high pH in the effluent of the methanogenic reactor, over 80% of methane in the biogas was produced consistently. More than 70% of methane was recovered from theoretical methane production of TCOD removed in this research. The produced gas can be directly used as a heat source to increase the reactor temperature.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]