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민족적 전통과 동양적 전통 -1930년대 후반 경성과 동경에서의 <춘향전> 공연을 중심으로
A Study on the Relationship between Nationalistic Tradition and Oriental Tradition: Focusing on Performed in Korea and Japan During the Late 1930`s
백현미 ( Hyeon Mi Baeg )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-800-001727619

The play was based on the Korean classic novel with Chosun(조선) dynasty setting. Singers who were disciplined in Korean traditional music usually had practiced for a long time. During the late 1930`s, there were new phenomena that were performed in Korean modern troupes and Japanese modern troupe. This study is to show how the phenomena were going on and why those appeared, focusing on the relationship between nationalism and `theory of orient`. The Korean modern troupe `Drama Academy(극예술연구회)` performed written and directed by Yoo Chijin(유치진) at Kyrmgsung in Korea in 1936. Yoo Chijin tried to take in Korean traditional performance called `Pansori(판소리)` through the play, like Japanese modern troupes succeeding in Japanese tradition performance called `Kabuki`. Even though he was interested in Korean tradition in respect of nationalism, his play was also connected with `theory of orient` proposed by Japanese. `Tokyo Student Art Group(동경학교예술좌)` was organized by Korean students studying in Tokyo in 1934. The group played (playwrighter Yoo Chijin, directer Joo Youngseb; 주영섭) in Tokyo in 1937, using western style music and Japanese Kabuki style action. The Japanese modern troupe `Sinhyup(新協)` played in Tokyo in early 1938, and played also at several places in Korea in the late 1938. A Korean Jang Hyukju(장혁주) who had written novels with the Japanese language wrote the play in Japanese. The director Murayanra Tomoyosi(村山知義) cast a woman for hero role, and made actors and actresses practice Kabuki. He announced as `oriental classic work`. Actors and actresses of the play were all Japaneses. The performed by the company `Sinhyup` was the case substituting Japanese style play for Korean performance. In the last period of Japanese imperialism, Japan educated Naesonilchae(內鮮一體) to Choson`s people in order to dominate its colony exploitation. It was related to Daedonga-Gongyeongnon(大東亞共榮論) and `theory of orient(동양주의)`. The theory of orient was based on the criticism on the Western modernity, the presentation of Japan as a center of East and the unification of the Korean people into Japanese. plays performed in Korea and Japan in the last period of Japanese imperialism reflected `theory of orient` consciously and unconsciously.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]