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문학과 생태학 ; 1930년대 소설에 나타난 자연 인식
The Aspect of Natural Consciousness in 1930`s Korean Novels
곽경숙 ( Gyoung Sug Gwak )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-800-001727679

This study aims at consider the Korean modern literature in ecological viewpoint because I find the point of contact between the ecoism and the Korean traditional thought. In the history of Korean modern novels, the ecoism is found in the Korean novels. Intensive researches on the topics of ecoism in the literary works of Korean writers intended to induce readers to read, think, sort out ideas, and connect personal views to the explicit and implicit values in the Korean novels. For this purpose I consider the aspect of natural consciousness in 1930`s novels. The natural consciousness in 1930`s novels can be divided into four types. First type appears that the nature stands for the utopia. The nature in the consciousness of modern people is not a physical object but a conceptual. The novels of Lee, Hyosok and Kim, Yoojong tell us that the nature is a shelter for the people who are isolated in the modern cultural society. Second type is philosophical view of nature that depends on the oriental thought. Kim, Dongri`s novel is different from the first type of writers` because he deeply thinks and draws the meaning `-Prout the nature as literary works. The shamanism in his novels is the concept against reason centralism. Third type shows the pursuit of wild nature. When we pursuit wild nature, we tend to indulge our instinct instead of morality. That is the reason that the eroticism is related in the pursuit of wild nature. Fourth type is modern natural view. The natural view in the novels of Lee, Sang shows the entity of modern natural view in contrast of traditional natural view. This is modern human aspect that only finds urban memories even confronting pure nature. In spite of the patterns of the 1930`s, these four types have implications for current society because they also can be found in modern times that have achieved high technological advance. It means that in the man`s mind, the desire to enter into nature that is the large scheme of universal community. This shows us that both sides of modern and classical oriented minds exist in the current human being.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]