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2005 춘계 학술발표회 논문집 : 페레이트를 이용한 수처리에서 페놀계 오염물의 산화: 반응 속도 연구
Proceedings of 2005 KSIEC Spring Meeting : Oxidation of Phenolic Contaminants during Water Treatment with Ferrate (Fe(6)): A Kinetic Study
이윤호 ( Yun Ho Lee ) , 윤제용 ( Je Yong Yoon ) , ( Urs Von Gunten )
응용화학 9권 1호 205-208(4pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-570-001804261
이 자료는 4페이지 이하의 자료입니다.

The kinetics of oxidation of phenolic water contaminants by ferrate (Fe(Ⅵ)) were investigated, especially focusing on phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as, ethinylestradiol (EE2), estradiol (E2), and bisphenol-A (BPA). The second-order rate constants of Fe(Ⅵ) (k_(app)) with selected EDCs and many substituted phenols were determined in the pH range 611. The k_(app) of selected EDCs at pH 7 were above 600 M^(-1) sec^(-1), indicating that these EDCs can be completely transformed during water treatment with Fe (Ⅵ) . From the pH-dependency of kapp, each elementary reaction rate constant, i.e., the reaction of HFeO₄^(-) with neutral phenols (k_(HFeO4-/PhOH)) and the reaction of HFeO₄^(-) with ionized phenols (k_(HFe04-/PhO-)) was calculated. Correlation analysis based on a constants and pK_(a) values of substituted phenols revealed significant quantitative structure-activity relationships for both k_(HFe04-/PhOH) and k_(HFeO4-/PhO-). Experiments performed with lake water and wastewater showed that the rate constants determined in pure water could be applied to predict the oxidation of selected EDCs in real waters. From the comparison of reactivity toward phenolic EDCs, Fe(Ⅵ) was found to be less reactive than ozone and chlorine dioxide, but more reactive than chlorine. Overall, the results indicate that Fe(Ⅵ) is effective to treat waters containing phenolic contaminants.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]