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KCI 후보
일반환경변화가 호텔식음료매출에 미치는 영향 -경주지역 특급호텔을 중심으로-
The Impact of the Change of General Environment on Hotel`s Food and Beverage Sale -In the Case of Gyeongju Region Deluxe Hotels-
손은호 ( Son Eun Ho ) , 구정대 ( Gu Jeong Dae )
관광연구 18권 3호 13-28(16pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-320-002986624

Today, analysis about general environment change is emphasized than past analyzing hotel management result. The reason is that modern business environment is uncertain and various. Therefore, this study is to observe the impacts that Exchange Rates(ER), Consumer Price Index(CPI), Gross Domestic Product(GDP), Labor Production Index(LPI) on hotel food and beverage sale. The results show that the beta index on equal linear measure to compare impact getting in hotel food and beverage sale: CPI is 0.689, GDP is 0.345, ER is -0.571. CPI appeared relatively higher than other two variables gets in hotel food and beverage sale.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]