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교직경력이 유치원 교사의 효능감에 미치는 효과
The Effectof Teachers' Experiences on Kingdergarten Teacher Efficacy
이혜주 , 전명남 ( Hye Joo Lee , Myong Nam Jun )
아동교육 7권 1호 16-26(11pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000911130

The purpose of this study was to construct the Kindergarten Teacher Efficacy Scale(KTES) and to investigate the effect of teachers` experiences on kindergarten teacher efficacy. The subjects were 121 kindergarten teachers. The Cronbach a of the KTES was .70. Two factors were investigated using the KTES. One factor is teachining efficacy and the other is personal teacher efficacy. To explore the effect of teachers` experience, two groups was used. One group was consisted with more than 5 years career as kindergarten teachers and the other was less than 1 years career. T-tests revealed no significant differences between two groups.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]