This article contains a review together with some considerations concerning studies on identity of midlife women, centering around the studies on adult development. Recently, midlife women is regarded as a period of development with the changes of life-cycle and life styles. However, the history of the studies of generativity vs. stagnation in the midlife women is comparatively short. Mainly, Epigenetic Scheme by Erikson(1950) bulit a theretical base for the study on adult development. and It was shown that the subjective engagement in important psychological abd social respects in adult including job or childcare was important in obtainment of identity as well as life style. It seems that these subjective selection and active engagement are very important in identity and growth in adult. The following points are suggested by the above mentioned studies: 1. there is a common developmental process in adult life. 2. It is also odserved that there are some critical periods in psychological development such as middle age crisis and adult transition. On the other hand, the developmental studies on adult identity is gradually increasing from 1980. The above studies reveal some important view points psychological changes in adulthood in its totality.