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유아의 유치원에서의 스트레스 및 이에 대한 대처방식
Children's stress in Kindergarten and its ways of coping
류정수 ( Jung Soo Ryu )
아동교육 5권 1호 159-177(19pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000911832

The present study investigated the stress situations which children experienced in kindergarten, its ways of coping, and their relationship. This research sampled at random 230 kindergarteners of 4,5 years old as the subject. Testing tools were to ask them about the bad, unhappy, and scared(fearful) things which they experienced in kindergarten, and to make them talk freely the coping which they used. As a result, it appeared that the stress which children perceived was 4 situations of friend, environment, teacher, and the others. Children`s responses divided by the ways of coping of stress, its pattern followed Band and Weisz(1988)`s classification, which was primary coping(trying to change the stressful circumstances), secondary coping(trying to adjust to circumstances as they are), and relinquished coping(trying neither to change circumstance nor to adjust to the). By its results, the frequency and percent was calculated, and then the Chi-square test was carried out. The results were as followigs. 1. The stress situations which children experienced in kindergarten were friend situation(70.5%), environment situation(9.7%), teacher situation(8.1%), and the other situations(11.7%). So, it appeared that their stress in kindergarten was caused by friend situation mostly. 2. Children`s ways of coping were secondary coping(46.2%), primary coping(45.7%), relinquished coping(8.1%) in the order. So, primary and secondary coping were the same almost, and relinquished coping was not responsed nearly. 3. Children`s ways of coping used by situations were all different from in each 4 situations. It appeared that they used the primary coping mainly in friend situation(52.3%) and environment(45.8%) situation, and used the secondary coping in teacher situation(65.0%), and the other situations(79.3%). The relinquished coping shows the low responses in all situations. 4. The stress in friend situation was the greatest as 70.5%, and then the friend situation was divided by discords. It appeared that the kinds of discord were physical attacks(50.6%), psychology discord(35.0%), and infringement on one`s own possessions(14.4%). Ways of coping on the kinds of discord were primary coping(52.3%), secondary coping(39.1%), and relinquished coping(8.6%) in the order, and so children acted positively for solving the problems directly.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]