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스트립트 전형성이 아동의 기억수행에 미치는 영향
아동교육 5권 1호 142-158(17pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000911847

Until now, Investigation of script has been useing word, of which including recondition. But this investigation would be going to research about responsibility of general investigation, using sentence of recondition about definision of script. There is to come out about ability of performance in children`s memory, how much different between common adult and children to suggest about typical script. We can to know from these establishment hypothesis. 1. Performance of children`s memory is following patten script. 2. The influence of typity will have been showed to follow children`s age. 3. lt`l1 be more high come out not adult make up typical of script but, being made that by children. This investigation selected sample like such people. 1. Below five age of children were selectted 52. (common adult suggestted script to including 26, children suggestted 26) 2. Selestted to limit in the same seven age of children 52. Total members are 104. The appliance of investigation is script about four situation each script was made one of circular script, including for sentence. Therefore, material memory was composed sixteen list. For judgement about came out about this investigation. Analyzed to useing spss and ANOVA of SAS, of which satistics program. The result of investigation is like that. 1. It came out to effect between age and patten of script each other. 2. It came out to influent between age and typify with importance. 3. It came out to effect like that age, patten of script and typify with indirect.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]