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자녀가 지각한 어머니의 양육태도와 정서부적응 행동과의 관계
The relation between the rearing attitudes of the mother whose children late forschool and child's emotional maladjustment behavior
박영미 ( Yeung Mi Park )
아동교육 5권 1호 49-64(16pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000911903

This Study has its aim at finding the relation between the rearing attitudes of the mothers whose children late for school and the children`s emotional maladjustment begaviors. The Sampling Subjects for this Study were 200 fourth and fifth. Year students in the elementary school located in Taegu. But the actual subjects analyzed in this study were 96 male students, 98female students and their mothers. For the study on the children`s maladjustment behaviors. 1 referred to child behavior checklist by Y. Achenbach(1978) and Emotional Maladjustment check list by Quay(1972) and I included withdrawl, hyperaction, aggressions retreat and obsessive - Compulsions in the children`s Emotional maladjustment behavior Variables. For the study on the rearing Relation EXamination checklist for parents by Ohki-Seon(1968), Questionnaire by Lee JONG-Seoung(1982), Rejection, Control, discrepancy, submission and affection are include in the variables. The data collected an analized withe the use of SPSS program for the statistics, pearson`s correlation coefficient and one-way ANOVA. The results of the study are as follows. 1. There was statistically a significant correlation between the rearing attitudes of the mothers whose children late for school and the children`s emotional maladjustment behaviors. Especially, The mothers rejection and discrepancy related with all variables of the childrens` emotional maladjustment behaviors show highly positive correlation. 2. In the correlation between mothers` rearing attitudes and children`s emotional maladjustment behaviors, female students were more influenced than male students. 3. In the mother`s rearing attitudes. The lower mother`s educational level was, The more rejection and discrepancy were found. 4. The rearing attitude of the mother has a job was more rejective than not.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]