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유치원 컴퓨터의 교육적 활용을 위한 기초 조사 연구
Preliminary study on the educational implementation of computer in kindergarten
전정희 ( Chung Hee Chun )
아동교육 4권 2호 76-97(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000912248

The purpose of this study was to explore effective approaches for heimplementation of the computer in kindergarten education through a survey of the current status of the computer uses in kindergartens. The major questions investigated in this study were as follows First, how many computers do they have and adopt in the educational activities of kindergarten? Second, what are the purposes and methods of the educational implementation of computer in kindergartens? Third, what are the problems and methods of effective activities for computer education of teachers in kindergarten? Fourth, what kind of different reaction can be seen in the condition of career, teacher, position, and area for computer education in kindergarten? The respondents of this study totaled 456 persons who are teachers and directors of kindergartens which were located in Taegu city or small towns of Kyung-Buk and Kyung-Nam provinces and those who were already using computers for their class computer educational activities or who intend to make implementation of computer education at their kindergartens. The results of the analysis were as follows First, the degree of computer possesion was 80.9% in large cities, 56.6% in small cities, so there was a little difference in possession rate and most of the teachers didn`t know the method of computer or basic knowledge of computer for educational activities in kindergarten. Second, the implementation of computer was mostly taught in special class time. There were few new software and the program for young children was less than a simple feedback program - a game program. Third, the necessity of computer learning activity was very strong in childhood. The main purposes were in this order : liking of and concern about the computer, a knowledge and thinking ability through the computer. Fourth, most of the teachers(99%) in the questionnaire said that a prelearning step experience was needed before teaching computer in kindergarten. Group study in classroom ;2-5 members) was more useful than special lecture when computer education activity was involved. In selecting software, toe software must be appropriate to a child`s intellectual development, easy to use manually and must include guidelines for young children. These things were in the highest demands forty computer educational activity. Specially the lower position, career, age of teachers, required more guidence. The higher position, career, age of teachers required less guidence. The problems of educational computer activity in kindergarten are lack of using technology, lack of software and lack of development of variable program cost. In the future, there ought to be young childen`s computer guidlines, computer education courses for teachers more widely adoptable programs.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]