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유아의 인지양식과 분류개념과의 관계
A Study On The Relation Between The Cognitive Style and Classification Concept In Young Children
임인숙 ( Un Sook Lim )
아동교육 4권 1호 158-183(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000912571

The purpose of the research is to recognize if there are relations between the infats` cognition style the reflectivity, impulsivity, efficiency and inefficiency and the classification concept about the forms composed of shape, color and size. The study has tested 100 infants aged 4 to 5. The test was composed of the classification concert and cognitive style and made some survey of responses of each infants individually. The transation of the material(datum) were applied the 3-way ANOVA to vertify in regard to the disparity in average and figured out the frequency by groups and were teste by X^2= to clear the differences of a classification of systems among the groups including various color, shapes and sizes. The findings of the study are as follows ; First : The acquisitions of infants of the classified conception have some differences by their cognitive style. That is to say, feflective infants are in discrimination about the shape to impulsive infants. But there are no significant difference between the two groups in the case of color and size. second : The classification system of infants for the diagrams are noted significantly by their cognitive style. That is to say, the reflective infants usually classify the shape first(69.23% ) and the impulsive infants classify color first(78.79% ) The efficient(32.14 % ) and inefficient(17.86% ) infants classify the size first. Third : There is no interaction between cognitive style and the groups by sex and age. But the tendency of perceptive discrimination about the shape, color and size was proved as improving in the shape when they are getting older but the tendency of perception for the color was proved that they have a law preference when they are getting older and in the case of the size there are no significant differences statistically. The tendency of perceptive cognition by the age of different sex is that the 4 years olds have superior discrimination of color, But in the case of the 4 or 5 years old infants, there is no doubt in the discrimination for the di.yrams. The only reflectivity`s cognitive style is superior to the inefficincy`s in the classification concept. The research has drawn First the infant` cognition in needed to understand more variously. In this research, it was proved that the cognition style and the perceptive characters (shape ` color and size) are intellectual factors(element) of process which has a significant interaction between the two. According to this research, there are so many kinds of cognition style ; dependency and in dependency, analysis and sythesis, reflectivity and impulsivity and soon. There, anr can be existed the variety such as not only the cognitron style but also the attitude of perception and solution of problem or option style of cognitive strategy. For instance, it can be existed the attitude of backup strategy which is superior to the accuracy and the attitude of retrival strategy which is superior to rapidity and the attitude of sentiment(emotion) which is responded preferably. And there are also the different and questioning spontaneous attitude and deliberate attitude. In addition to, the cognitive process, cognitive, elements and cognitive content are cecognized as variables to examin the properties and characteristics of cognition. In the classification, there are simple classification simple classification multiple classification common class and class-inclusion. This research which is for finding the elements and properties of cognition and some relations among them maybe mean that it`s needed more study for understanding that is, it cannot be satisfied with just a few properties to understand the cogniton. Infants cognition have organic and compound with operations characteristics which are so much related with various elements and variable contents each other. Second there are relations between the cognitive elements and the cognitive functions. In this research, the relation between the cognition style

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]