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가정의 음악적환경이 유아의 음악학습능력과의 관계
A study on the relationship between children's musical learning acility and their home enviroment
박현숙 ( Hyun Sook Park )
아동교육 vol. 4 iss. 1 100-114(15pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000912642

1.Purpose and Methood. The Purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between children`s level of musical achievement and their natural musical talent and whether it is also related to their parents` musical ability the motivation of the parents` home environment and other. In order to conduct this research parent`s of 155 children and their teachers, were randomly selected from among those enrolled in piano Institutes who are attending kindergarten or first grade in primary school. When researching about home environment 13 questions were asked to the parents and 11 questions were directed to the teachers. To obtain and compile statistics for this analysis, the questionnaires, which were sent to children`s parents and teachers, seek to obtain information relating to the musical achievement and ability of the children. 2. Results The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, In terms of the home environment the samples who had piano lessons had a higher level of musical achievement as compared to children who didn`t. Second, the time period of the child`s lesson is related to the understanding of music and the interests in music. The family`s interest in the musical instrument is related to the child`s ability during the music lesson. The parent`s comprehension of children`s ability for music is related to child`s ability during the lesson and child`s interests in music. Third, children`s musical abilities are related to four factors in the family environment i.e interest in music, musical ability of parents, perception of parents, efforts made by parents. The more the parents push their children in music the less children are interested in music.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]