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진로탐색 집단상담이 중학생의 자아정체감에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Career Exploration Group Counseling on Middle School School Students Ego - Identity
박주열 ( Joo Youl Park )
아동교육 vol. 3 iss. 1 137-150(14pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000900160

This study is aimed at examining the effects of career exploration group counseling for middle school students on the ego-identy. The subjects were twenty-four middle school students who volunteered to participate in this group counseling. They were randomly assigned to the experimental(N=12) and control(N=12) groups. The career exploration group counseling was given one ession a week for twelve weeks. Each session lasted for 90 minutes. However, subjects in control group did not receive any treatment. The instrument used in this study was Ego-Identity Scale (by Park, A-Chung, 1984) included 48 statements and composed of eight subscales : stability, goal-directedness, uniqueness, interpersonal role expectation, self-acceptance, self-assertiveness, sense of self and interpersonal relation. And the pretest-posttest control group design used as a study plan of this study. The data were analyzed by t-test to find out the significant difference between the marks of experimental group and control group, Conclusions from the results and discussions of this study are as follows 1. Career exploration group counseling for middle school students is effective for increasing ego-identity. 2. Career exploration group counseling for middle school students is effective particularly on Self-Acceptance.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]