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Orff의 음악활동이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 효과
The Effectiveness of Orff's Musical Activities Upon Children' Creativity
천신현 ( Shin Hyun Cheon )
아동교육 1권 25-39(15pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-370-000899777

This study, on the basis of the Orff`s theory and methods, is aimed at developing a music education program for kindergarten children, applying it to a experimental group, and proving its effectiveness for musical creativity and organality through its comparision with the regular kindergarten music programs. In order to achieve these objectives, following hypotheses are set : 1. Between the experimental group and the control group, there will be a difference in the degree of improvement in musical creativity and orginality by the music education programs, 2. There will be a difference in musical creativity and orginality between the pre-test and the post-test. 80 children in a kindergarten were randomly assigned into the experimental and control groups, making 40 children for each group. The tests used were the "recording skill in music" by John W. Lorton and Bertha L. Walley and "Tests of creative Thinking-Figural Form B" by Torrance. The experimental music program based on the Orff`s theory and method was implemented to the experimental group for thirty minutes, everyday over two months, while the traditional kindergarten musical activities were practiced in the control classroom. The results of the experiment led to the following conclusions: 1. There was a difference in the improvement for musical creativity and orginality between the experimental group and the control group. Consequently, it can be concluded that the Orff`s music education program is effective than the traditional kindergarten music activities in developing children`s creativity. 2. There is a difference in musical creativity and originality, overall, between the two test periods(pre-and post-test periods). While the experimental group showed higher level of creativity, after the program, the control group did not show ,any significant difference after two month program in kindergarten, Therefore it can be concluded that the traditional music education program in kindergarten is less effective, than Orff`s method, particularly so over the short periods of two months.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]