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폐렴을 동반한 신경절성 신경종 ( Ganglioneuroma ) 1 례
A Case of Ganglioneuroma Combined with Pneumonia
윤호영(Ho Young Yoon),이현희(Hyun Hee Lee),정병주(Byung Ju Jeong),김규언(Kyu Earn Kim),이기영(Ki Young Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-004569545

Ganglioneuroma most commonly arise from sympathetic ganglia. This neoplasm may be located wherever ganglion cells are normally found from the skull base to the pelvis, including the adrenal gland. We reported a case of gaglioneuroma in posterior mediastinum in 3 year old boy, which was removed successfully by surgery and confirmed histolgically. We have presented this case and have reviewed the literatures.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]