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CT 및 EUS 상 원격전이 소견이 없는 진행위암에서 복강경 검사의 유용성
Usefulness of laparoscope for the staging of advanced gastric cancer without distant metastasis in abdominal CT and EUS
허병원(Byung Won Hur),전훈재(Hoon Jai Chun),진윤태(Yoon Tae Jeen),강창돈(Chang Don Kang),이정환(Jung Whang Lee),이홍식(Hong Sik Lee),송치욱(Chi Wook Song),엄순호(Soon Ho Um),이상우(Sang Woo Lee),최재현](Jai Hyun Choi),김창덕(Chang Duck Kim),류호상(Ho Sang Ryu),현진해(Jin Hai Hyun)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-004700860

Background : The proper staging of advanced gastric cancer has crucial role in determining resectability and operative method, to prevent unnecessary operation and to predict the prognosis and survival rate. Although marked improvements have been made in computed tomography (CT) technology and endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) in recent years, reassessment of the laparoscopy for gastric cancer is required as a preoperative staging tool. Therefore, we determined the usefulness of laparoscopy for staging of advanced gastric cancer without distant metastasis in CT and EUS. Methods : Staging laparoscopy was performed in 48 patients with advanced gastric cancer staged T3 or T4 by CT and EUS. Laparoscopy was carried out with the patients under local anesthesia, and included visual inspection of abdomen, and biopsies for suspicious metastatic lesions. Laparoscopic results were compared with the postoperative pathologic findings. Results : Laparoscopy was performed successfully in 48 patients. Laparoscopy disclosed unrecognized distant metastases in 7 patients (14.6%) judged to be eligible for potentially curative resection by CT and EUS. Preoperative laparoscopy showed an accuracy of 74% for serosal infiltration. Conclusion : Our results suggest that laparoscopy is an effective means of evaluating resectability of advanced gastric cancer staged T3 or T4 and can provide valuable help in planning surgical approach.(Korean J Med 61:127-132, 2001)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]