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문제중심 학습방법 ( Problem - based learning ) 을 적용한 청소년 간호학 교과목 개발
Development of a problem - based learning program in nursing education curriculum
김선아(Sun Ah Kim),강인애(In Ae Kang),김소야자(So Ya Ja Kim)
정신간호학회지 9권 4호 559-570(12pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-005520199

Traditional nursing education in Korea has been dependent upon teacher-centered learning. However, recent changes in the requirements of nursing education and practice have necessitated changes in curriculum. It is important that student nurses develop the ability to act autonomously and take an active role in decision making. Despite the increased attention that problem-based learning has received as an appropriate learning method for professional practice, there have been very few studies conducted on problem-based learning in nursing education. This study was undertaken in order to develop a problem-based learning program for undergraduate nursing students and to evaluate the effectiveness of this new learning method for students in Korea. The results of the study show that all of the class of 80 undergraduate students reported a lot of difficulty in following the process use in problem- based learning. But student nurses participating in this new learning method reported that their ability to solve the problems and their interest in the content of the curriculum improved. The findings of this study are showed usefulness in applying problem-based learning as a methodoloy to nursing education in Korea is being considered.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]