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이온교환법에 의한 암모니아성 질소제거
Ammonia Nitrogen Removal by Ion Exchange
이동환 , 김승일 , 감상규 , 주창식 , 이민규 ( Dong Hwan Lee , Sung Il Kim , Sang Kyu Kam , Chang Sik Joo , Min Gyu Lee )
응용화학 vol. 1 iss. 2 522-525(4pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-570-007341785
This article is 4 pages or less.

Ion exchange performance to remove ammonia-nitrogen in water was studied using commercially available sodium base cation exchange resin in the batch and continuous column reactors. Cation exchange resin used in this study was more effective than activated carbon or zeolite for ammonia-nitrogen removal. With large resin amount or low initial concentration, ammonia-nitrogen removal characteristics was increased. On considering the relation between the breakthrough capacity and ammonia-nitrogen concentration of the influent, the use of cation exchange resin were suitable for the higher order water treatment. The commercially available strong base cation exchange resin used in this study could be effectively used as economic material for treatment of the groundwater.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]