원료물질인 Y₂O₃, BaCO₃, CuO 및 AgN0₃ 분말로부터 Y계 고온초전도체를 발화합성법으로 제조하였다. YBa₂Cu₃O_7-x와 Cu를 Ag로 부분 치환한 YBa₂Cu_3-yAg_yO_7-x의 특성을 X-ray diffractometer, resistivity measuring equipment, SEM, and Vickers Hardness 등으로 분석하였다. YBa₂Cu₃O_7-x의 Tc,zero는 91K였고, 밀도는 5.2g/cm³, 경도는 590kg/mm²였다. Cu를 Ag로 0.15몰 이하 부분 치환한 YBa₂Cu_3-yAg_yO_7-x의 경우 임계온도(Tc)는 거의 변하지 않으면서 미세구조, 밀도 및 경도가 향상되었다.
The YBa₂Cu₃Ag_yO_7-x high-temperature superconductors were prepared by pyrophoric synthetic method from Y₂O₃, BaCO₃, CuO, and AgNO₃, powders. When we were partially substituted Ag for Cu in YBa₃Cu_3-yAg_yO_7-x, the superconducting properties of YBa₂Cu₃O_7-x were investigated with X-ray diffractometer, resisitivity measuring equipment, SEM, and Vickers Hardness. The Tc,zero of YBa₂Cu₃O_7-x was 91K, the density was 5.2g/cm³, and the hardness was 590kg/mm². When Ag was substituted below y=0.15, electrical property of YBa₂Cu_3-yAg_yO_7-x did not change but microstructure, density, and hardness were enhanced.