천연 고분자인 chitin을 탈아세틸화 시킨 chitosan은 자체의 아민기가 답즙산과 흡착능을 가져 혈중 콜레스테롤 값을 저하시킴이 보고 되고 있다. 이 chitosan의 용해성을 높이기 위해 먼저 cellulase (Triohoderma reesei)로 가수분해하여 chitosan 부분 가수분해물의 혼합물인 Fraction A, B 그리고 C를 제조하여 이 중 저당의 혼합물인 Fraction C와 polyallyamine을 glutaraldehyde를 이용하여 표면 가교시켜 질소함량이 각각 9.87, 9.34, 8.10%인 Resin I, II, III을 합성하였다. 담즙산염인 cholic acid sodium salt와 deoxycholic acid sodium salt를 tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane buffer (pH 7.5) 용액에 각각 녹여, 새로이 제조한 각 수지를 가하여 농도에 따른 흡착량을 HPLC로 조사한 결과, 모두 chitosan 보다 우수한 흡착능을 나타내었고, chitosan 부분 가수분해물과 polyallyamine의 몰비를 1:1로 조정하여 제조한 가교체인 Resin II가 흡착량이 가장 높았다.
Chitosan is the deacetylation product of chitin. Its binding with bile salt in intestine is reported to cause the lowering concentration of cholesterol in serum. In order to increase the bind with bile salt, chitosan was modified as follow. Hydrolyzed chitosan mixture were obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis with trichoderma reesei, and then Fraction C of them was crosslinked with polyallylamine (Mw=50,000) by glutaraldehyde. The weight percents of nitrogen of crosslinked polymers are 9.87% for Resin I, 9.34% for Resin II, 8.10% for Resin III. After cholic acid sodium salt and deoxycholic acid sodium salt were dissolved in tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane buffer (pH 7.5) respectively, Resin I, II, III were incubated in the solution for 1hr. As a result, Resin I, II, Ill were improved than chitosan itself. Especially Resin II exhibited the best binding result than other resin.