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Acrylontrile 제조공정에서 Acetonitrile 의 회수에 관한 연구
A Study on the Recovery of Acetonitrile in the Preocess of Acrylonitrile
이진우 , 박동원 ( Jin Woo Lee , Dong Won Park )
공업화학 5권 6호 1016-1023(8pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-570-007329801

Acrylonitrile 제조시 부산물로 생성되는 acetonitrile-water 공비혼합물에서 용매추출하여 acetonitrile을 회수하기 위하여 benzene, toluene, o-xylene, ethylacetate 및 monochlorobenzene을 용매로 선택하여 25℃ 에서 solvent(1)-water(2)-acetonitrile(3)계의 액-액 평형데이타를 구하였으며, 그 실험데이타의 건전성을 조사하였고, tie line과 plait point 조성을 결정하였다. 또한 NRTL, UNIQUAC 및 modified UNIQUAC모델식에 적용하여 parameter를 추산하고 각 용매에 대한 분배계수와 선택도를 결정하였다.

In process of manufacturing acrylonitrile, azeotrope of acetonitrile-water was come into being as by-product. For the purpose of recovering acetonitrile through solvent extraction process, benzene, toluene, o-xylene, ethylacetate and monochlorobenzene as solvents were selected in order to separate acetonitrile from azeotrope of acetonitrile-water. In this study liquid-liquid equilibrium data were determined and consistency of the experimental data was investigated. The tie line and plait point for solvent(1)-water(2)-acetonitrile(3) system were determined at 25℃. The parameters in the NRTL, UNIQUAC and modified UNIQUAC model were predicted, distribution coefficient and selectivity of each solvent were determined respectively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]