Gravity tilt pour casting can effectively guarantee the reduction of various casting defects by controlling the rotation speed and the tilting angle of the mold during tilt pouring. The relationship between casting process parameters and the soundness of castings has been investigated in order to determine the optimum process variables in the gravity tilt pour casting process. In order to evaluate the effect of rotation speed on mold filling patterns, a video camera was employed to visualize the in-situ fluid flow behavior of the molten metal, and the relevant fluid velocity was also estimated. X-ray and mechanical tests were also performed to evaluate the effect of fluid velocity on casting quality. With the rotation speed lower than 0.5 r.p.m., which is nearly corresponding to the critical velocity of stability in the fluid flow, sound castings were obtained without having any casting defects. It can be concluded that the gravity tilt pour casting process is an effective process for manufacturing sound casting products with enhanced physical and mechanical properties. (Received February 5, 1998)