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분사주조법에 의한 저열팽창 알루미늄합금의 제조
Fabrication of Lower Thermal Expansion Aluminium Alloys by Spray-casting Process
박종성 , 이정근 , 김명호 ( Chong Sung Park , Jeong Keun Lee , Myung Ho Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-580-008959083

In order to fabricate lower thermal expansion aluminium alloys, the effects of microstructural parameters such as the volume fraction of SiC_p and the shape and size of Si phase on the coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) of the spray-cast and hot-extruded hypereutectic Al-Si(A390) alloy composites were investigated experimentally. The CTEs of hypereutectic Al-Si (A390) alloy were changed proportionally with the size of Si phase. Ultimate tensile strength, elongation and Young`s modulus of the spray-cast and hot-extruded specimen were improved dramatically compared to those of the permanent mold-cast specimen. Although Young s modulus of the spray-cast and hot-extruded specimen was improved highly effectively by addition of SiC_p, no improvement was observed for the UTS and elongation. Spray-cast and hot-extruded hypereutectic Al-Si (A390) alloy reinforced with 20vol.%SiC_p exhibits a CTE equivalent to stainless steel.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]