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Cu-Pb 계에서의 응고 조직에 미치는 공정조건과 합금의 균질화 - 균질화수의 실험적 고찰 -
The Effect of Processing Conditions on Solidified Structures and Homogenization in the Cu-Pb system - Experimental Study of the Homogenization Number -
염광현 , 백윤길 , 윤우영 ( Kwang Hyun Yum , Yoon Kil Baek , Woo Young Yoon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-580-008959694

The microstruture of the Cu-Pb monotectic system which solidified under various cooling conditons and gravity coefficients were analyzed. The so called "Homogenization number" which was comparing the relative influences of gravitational and Marangoni force, nucleation and growth of liquid (or solid) particles, natural convection and dimension of specimen on morphological behaviors of solidified monotectic system could be used successfully to rationalize the microstructures. Under one atmosphere condition, the macrosecregation between Cu and Pb occurred mainly due to the sedimentation (or cooling) time. On the other hand, the gravitational force (Stoke`s force) was the major considering parameter to homogenize the specimen under microgravity condition.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]