It is very important to obtain wear resistant ductile iron by adding more economical alloying elements. In this study, 10 heat of Mg-treated ductile iron were made according to Sb content (0-0.1% Sb). Each melt was tasted to 30 øtest bars in CO₂mold under the same condition and inspected wear characteristics, mechanical properties and microstructures. The results obtained from this study are as follows; 1. It is confirmed that Sb should be a simple and useful additive for improving wear resistance in ductile iron. 2. Hardness of ferrite and pearlite is improved with increasing Sb amount in ductile iron. 3. For ductile iron, the recommended ladle addition of Sb amount is to 0.02-0.03%. 4. Sb has adverse influence on spheroidizing of graphite if the amount is over 0.04%.