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한국 ( 서울 ) 야생 집쥐 ( Rattus norvegicus ) 집단의 Es - 2 , Tf 및 Alb 다형
Es - 2 , Tf and Alb Polymorphisms of Wild Rat ( Rattus Norvegicus ) Population in Seoul , Korea
( Nam Keun Kim , Chung Choo Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-470-007037618

To evaluate polymorphisms and gene frequencies in Korean (Seoul) wild rat (Rattus norvegicus) population, esterase-2(Es-2), transferrin(Tf) and albumin (Alb) were investigated by starch gel and isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Among 51 individuals investigated, Five phenotypes such as Es-2C(49.02%), Es-2CD(25.50%), Es-2D(19.6%), Es-2A(1.96%) and Es-2AC(3.92%) were found at Es-2* locus. The gene frequencies of Es-2*c, Es-2*d, and Es-2*a were 0.673, 0.323, and 0.039, respectively. Among 51 individuals investigated, TfC phenotypes were common type(49 individuals) and two variant types (Tf V1 and Tf V2). Alb phenotype was monomorphic in electrophoretic band patterns between wild and laboratory rats ( Wistar strain).

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]