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일본 지역정부의 정책과정의 연구 - 3현의 (懸) 정책과정의 비교분석을 중심으로 -
An Empirical Study on the Policy - marking Process of Japanese Local Government
양기호 ( Kee Ho Yang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-350-000916531

Though many academic attempts have been made to explain "who controls the power in the policy process of Japanese prefectural government", no single theory has proved to be effective. It is in this regard that this study aims at finding out the policy making process of modern Japaese local government. Fpr this purpose, this study interviews more than 100 officials and members of local assembly in charge of prefectural policy in order to make more clear the political process of municipal government including industrial policy, international co-oporation policy, and housing policy of each Kanagawa, Chiban, and Niigata prefecture. This study concludes that the policy of Japanese local government is usually shaped by governer and local bureacracy in that they are autonomous against both the central government and the local assembly, local interest group and local participants. Now it seems clear that the policy making process of Japanese local government is definced as "closed and local bureaucy controlled policy making process".

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]