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한국의 지방자치단체에 대한 중앙통제의 연구
A Study on the Central Control over The Local Autonomous Entities in Korea
박준수( Zoon Soo Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-350-000919274

This article aims at seeking for the best possible way to put the effective control of the central government on local autonomous entities : the first measure to take for the successful and democratic local autonomy is supposed to look into the relations of the central government to local autonomous entities and at the same time look for the efficient control of the one on the other in carrying out local autonomy. The findings that a newly devised model for the central control made possible are to be summed up as follows: first, desirable policies for the central controls, second, the problems derived from the laws on the autonomy systems, for which four conditions are required to be fulfilled. The four conditions are to be indicated as these: one; a rational view of the central control is to be established through the understanding of the relations between the central government and the local autonomous entities, two; a fair administrative control as rational policy for central control consists in the minimization of power control and in the maximization of non-power control, three; legisiative control is to be activated to come by a desirable control over the local governments, four; the judiciary control is to be activated. In conclusion, the desirable way of the central control based upon the original essence of autonomy may be summarized as realizing a fair administrative controls and at the same time activating legislative and judiciary controls by weakening the power control and strengthening the administrative control, under the basis of which by the means of amending the laws concerning the central control the successful autonomy should be guaranteed in the true sense of the word.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]