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Roulette 이론에 의한 액체금속의 열역학적 성질 계산연구
Roulette Theory Applied to Liquid Metals
김명자 ( Myung Ja Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-580-001857219

Roulette theory has been applied to liquid metals to calculate the thermodynamic properties of Na, Ag, Cu, K, Au, Pb, Cs, Hg and Rb. The partition function was formulated under the assumption that molecules of the liquid state consist of Einstein molecules, Lennard-Jones and Devonshire molecules, and van der Waals molecules. Although a liquid metal is known a severe test for any liquid theory to lead to large differences between observed and. calculated values for thermodynamic properties, the agreement is quite good for molar volume and vapor pressures for many liquid metals. The results concerning Cv, Cp, and β are not in as good agreement as might be hoped, but it is clear that the theory is correct in principle even for liquid metals.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]