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Fe - Al - N 합금에 있어서 알미늄질화물의 석출 및 응집거동 (凝集擧動) 에 대하여
Precipitation and Coarsening Behavior of Aluminum Nitride in the Fe - al - N Alloy
최형섭(Hyung Sup Choi), 이종무(Chong Mu Lee), 최주(Ju Choi)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-580-002472005

Fe-Al-N 合金에 있어서 時間 및 溫度에 따른 알미늄室化物의 析出現象 및 成長擧動을 調査하였다. 析出初期에는 面心立方의 알미늄窒化物이 觀察되었고, 이것은 다음에 棒狀의 六方構造로 變하였다. 結晶粒度와 알미늄室化物의 量 사이에는 密接한 關係가 있어서 粒度는 그 量이 많을수록 작았다. 또한 棒狀析出物의 平均體積比는 合金에 含有된 알미늄 및 室素의 濃度積의 平方根과 같았다. 같은 溫度에서는 析出物의 길이는 時間에 比例하고, 直徑은 時間의 平方根에 比例하여 成長하였다. 透過電子顯微鏡法으로 調査한 바 室化物과 素地間의 方位關係는 (001)p∥(001)m 〔001〕p∥〔2―10〕m이었다.

The precipitation sequence and the variation with time and temperature in the growth rate of the rod-like aluminum nitride precipitate were investigated for an Fe-AI-N alloy. Using an extraction replica technique, face centered cubic aluminum nitride was observed at the initial stages of precipitation, and this later transformed into the rod-like hexagonal close packed aluminum nitride. The amount of aluminum nitride was closely related to the grain size; that is, the greater the amount of aluminum nitride, the smaller the grain size. The mean volume ratio of the precipitate is nearly proportional to the square root of the concentration product of aluminum and nitrogen contents. At a given temperature, the length of the rod-like precipitate was proportional to the holding time, and the diameter of the precipitate to the square root of the holding time. The orientation relationship between the rod-like aluminum nitride and the matrix has been determined by means of transmission electron microscopy. It gives (001)p∥(001)m 〔001〕p∥〔2―10〕m

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]