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Stainless Steel 용해시 탈산효과 (1) ( Stainless 강 용해시 산화에 관하여 )
Study on the Deoxidation of Stainless Steel in melting (1) ( The Oxidation of Stainless Steel in Melting )
황용길 , 김영삼 , 성장현 , 이종문 ( Y . K . Whang , Y . S . Kim , J . H . Sung , J . M . Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-580-002480094

Stainless鋼의 脫酸機構를 糾明하기 爲해서 우선 stainless鋼이 熔解되기 前까지의 酸化反應速度를 T.G.-D.T.A.熱分析으로 糾明하고 다음에 이들을 熔解시킨 後 酸化物들과 鋼중 介在物들을 X-線檢査를 通해서 硏究한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1) 電解鐵은 약 500℃以上에서 그리고 17Cr 및 18Cr-BNi stainless鋼은 약 800℃ 以上에서 反應熱曲線이 吸熱反應을 보이고 있었으며 이것은 高級酸化鐵이 低級酸化鐵로 熱分解되는 現象으로서 이때 重量增加는 急激히 일어나고 있었다. 2) 所定의 試料를 常溫에서 1100℃까지 加熱하였을때 電解鐵 및 17Cr stainless鋼은 parabolic-linear curve를 이루면서 重量이 增加되었고 18Cr-8Ni stainless鋼은 parabolic curve를 이루면서 重量이 增加되었다. 3) 17Cr 및 18Cr-8Ni stainless鋼이 加熱될 때 生成된 크롬系酸化物은 熔解되었을 때 slag중에는 FeO·Cr₂O₃形態로 含有되었고 鑄造한 試料의 介在物중에는 Cr₂O₃와 Fe₃O₄形態로 含有되었다. 기타 FeO, SiO₂, MnO등은 X-線分析으로는 확인할 수 없었다.

For the purpose of investigating the mechanism of deoxidation cf stainless steel, the oxidation reaction rates of 17Cr, 18Cr-8Ni stainless steels and electrolytic iron being in the solid state were measured by means of T. G. -D. T. A. technique. And the behaviors of oxides and inclusion in the melt were studied by the X-ray methods. From this experiment, the following conclusion can be drawn. 1) With the heat-reaction curves the endothermic reactions were shown in electrclytic iron and stainless steels (AISI 430, 304 type) above 500℃ and 800℃, respectively. This is seemed to be the heat decomposition of ferric oxides to ferrous oxides accompaning with the increase in the weight rapidly. 2) Being heated from room temperature to 1100℃, electrolytic iron and 17Cr stainless steel represented parabolic-linear curves resulting in the increase in weight, and 18Cr-8Ni stainless steel was depicted parabolic curve with the increase in weight. 3) Chromium oxides, formed in the 17Cr and 18Cr-8Ni stainless steels at the heating stage, were observed as FeO·Cr₂O₃·in the slag and, on the other hand, as Cr₂O₃and Fe₃O, in the inclusions in the as cast state. And FeO, SiO₂ or MnO could not be identified by the X-ray diffraction method.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]