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베릴리움동 합금의 석출상에 관한 연구
Electron Microscopic Observations of the Precipitates in the Beryllium copper Alloy
유연철(Yeon Chul Yoo), 강일구(Il Koo Kang), 최주(Ju Choi)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-580-001793441

베릴리움銅 合金의 時效特性을 硬度測定과 透過電子顯微鏡法으로 硏究하였다. 時效初期 段階에서는 GP I 이 素地格子面인{100}및{110}面에 板狀으로 析出되었으며 時效가 더 進行되면 素地格子面의 每 3層마다 번갈아 濃베릴리움層이 形成되는 데 이것은 GP II로 추정되었다. 時效處理를 高溫에서 行하면 CuAu(I)形의 規則格子 γ`이 되고 最終平衡析出物은 CsCI 型인 γ로 確認되었다. 析出物가운데 GPI, GPII 및γ`은 素地와 完全한 整合狀態를 유지하고 있었으며 GP II와 γ`가 共存하고 있을때 最大硬度値를 나타내었다.

The aging characteristics of Cu-1.8%Be-0.2%Co alloy have been studied by hardness measurement and transmission electron microscopy. The zone formed in the early stage of aging was considered to be beryllium rich GP I zone which is characterized by the continuous long streaks in the <100>, <110> directions in the selected area diffraction pattern. Further aging produced discontinuous streaks with the several intensity maxima. This stage may correspond to GP II zone. To explain the maximum density points, a model is proposed that a Be rich atomic layer lies in about every third plane of the matrix lattice planes. Aging at higher temperatures caused superlattice reflections of CuAu (I) type γ` to appear The final equilibrium precipitate was identified to be body centered cubic γ. GP I , GP II and γ` are fully coherent with the matrix. Furthermore the alloy shows the maximun hardness when GP II coexists with γ`.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]