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고규소 - Al 합금의 절삭성에 미치는 열처리효과에 대하여
On the effects of heat - treatment to machinability in a high silicon - aluminum alloy
허보녕(Bo Young Huh), 남태운(Tae Woon Nam), 김수영(Soo Young Kim), 이상익(Sang Ik Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-580-001780780

高珪素-A1 合金의 熱處理效果에 對한 組織을 金屬顯微鏡으로 調査하였으며, 이 合金의 熱處理가 切削速度 및 切削깊이를 變化시키면서 切削加工하였을 때에 素面거칠기, chip 形態, 工具刀面凝着量에 미치는 影響에 對하여 調査檢討하였다. 本硏究를 通하여 얻은 重要한 結論은 다음과 같다. 1) 高硅素-A1 合金의 溶體化 및 時效熱處理는 共晶珪素를 球狀形態로 變化시키며, 材質을 强化시켜 切削性을 현저히 向上시킨다. 2) 移送速度가 一定할때 表面거칠기는 切削速度의 自乘에 反比例하며 熱處理에 의해 그 比例값은 더욱 감소한다. 3) 移送速度가 一定할때 表面거칠기는 切削깊이에 比例하며 熟處理에 의해 그 比例값은 더욱 감소한다. 4) 微細化處理는 工具面凝着量을 감소시키며 熱處理에 의해서 그 量은 더욱 감소한다. 5) 熱處理에 의해 加工面照度는 향상하며, 특히 Mg로 微細化處理한 後 熱處理한 것은 현저히 향상한다.

The effects of heat treatment on the structure of high Silicon-Al alloys were examined by metallography. The effects of heat treatment on the surface roughness, the chip formation and the amount of build up edge, after cutting at various cutting speeds and cutting depths were studied. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The heat treatment of the high silicon-aluminum alloy changed eutectic silicon crystal into spheroidal form, the quality of material was intensified and the mechanical properties were improved conspicuously. 2. When feeding speed was constant, the surface roughness was inversely proportional to the square of cutting speed, and heat treatment decreased its ratio greatly. 3. The refining treatment diminished the amount of adhesion to tool surface, and the heat treatment deminished its amount more. 4. When feeding speed was constant, the surface roughness was proportional to cutting depth, and its ratio was much decreased by heat treatment. 5. The illumination of machined surface was improved by heat treatment, especially by heat treatment followed by refining-treatment with Mg. Spheroidizer.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]