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특정 위치 변이방법에 의한 Ser - interleukin - 2 - 의 생산
Production of Ser125 interleukin 2 - by Site Directed Mutagenesis
강성만 , 곽주원 , 권종범 , 김성완 , 이인영 , 이선복 , 윤혜영 , 함경수 , 한문희 , 나도선 ( Seong Man Kang , Ju Won Kwak , Jong Bum Kwon , Sung Wan Kim , In Young Lee , Sun Bok Lee , Hye Young Yun , Kyung Soo Hahm , Moon H . Han , Doe Sun Na )
BMB Reports 22권 3호 306-311(6pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-470-002211116

Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) posessing a serine in place of cystein at the amino acid sequence position 125 has been produced in E. coli by site directed mutagenesis. The activity of purified Ser^(125)-IL-2 was more than 2.5 times higher than that of Cys^(125)-IL-2 as determined by the growth promoting effect on IL-2 dependent cell line. The yield of production of Ser^(125)-IL-2 was at least 1.5 times higher as compared to that of Cys^(125)-IL-2.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]