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식품 관련 앱(APP) 서비스 품질 속성이 서비스 이용자의 지각된 가치와 구매 후 행동의도에 미치는 영향
Effect of Application Service Quality Attributes on Perceived Value and Post-Purchase Behavior Intentions
김세미 ( Semi Kim ) , 박상현 ( Sanghyun Park ) , 주나미 ( Nami Joo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-500-001080383

In modern society, the online to offline (O2O) market has become an emerging market. Based on social and cultural phenomena, the importance of “FOODTECH” linked with mobile applications is growing in the food and restaurant industry. This study examined subjective food application service quality, perceived value, and post-purchase behavior intentions. According to this study, of foodtech service quality attributes, only information, mobility, and reliability had positive (+) relationships with perceived value. However, foodtech service quality attributes did not have a direct impact on behavior intentions. Perceived values had a positive (+) relationship with behavior intentions and showed full mediation effects between foodtech service quality attributes and behavior intentions. Based on these results, future research on the relationship among food application service quality, perceived value, and post-purchase behavior intentions is needed.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]