The goal of this study is to investigate which factors need to be considered when developing a teaching and learning design for Korean language in virtual reality learning environment. To achieve such goal, the study analyzed cases where educational contents were offered using virtual reality in the field of language education. The analytical result confirmed that educational contents in virtual reality learning environment reinforced the self-directedness in learners by constructing a design allowing learners to choose their favored communication situation and provided language guide to activate interactions. Additionally, the result also showed that created environment strengthened sense of reality and immersiveness and allowed the transfer of learning through repetitive practices. However, taking into account the learning environment in virtual reality, it was also confirmed that there are still factors to be considered including induction of choices, interaction among learners, reinforcement of the sense of reality, and setting learning phases. Thus, this study offers suggestions on factors to be considered in designing a teaching and learning system for Korean language in virtual environment by taking into account perspectives in learner’s self-directedness, interaction, learning environment, and learning step. (Hansung University)