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스코폴라민으로 유도한 기억력 장애 동물모델에서 명자나무 (Chaenomeles speciose Nakai) 과실 추출물의 효과
Effects of Chaenomeles speciose Nakai on Scopolamine Induced Memory Impaired Mouse Model
김지현 ( Jihyun Kim ) , 김란희 ( Ranhee Kim ) , 김재훈 ( Jaehoon Kim ) , 임미경 ( Mi Kyung Lim ) , 이상호 ( Sang Ho Lee ) , 한은혜 ( Eun Hye Han ) , 장대식 ( Dae Sik Jang ) , 류종훈 ( Jong Hoon Ryu )
생약학회지 50권 4호 253-259(7pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-500-000580153
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

Chaenomeles speciose Nakai (CSP) or Chaenomeles sinensis Koehne (CSS) (Rosaceae) has been used, traditionally, to treat muscle problems and gastric dampness in eastern Asia countries. Therefore, many studies have focused on investigating its active compounds and effects on muscle pain, arthritis and gastro-intestinal diseases. Recently, several studies reported that CSS extract degrade amyloid plaques and enhance synaptic acetylcholine level in vivo and in vitro. Although these two Chaenomeles species are used without differences, CSP is reported to contains more phenolic compounds which are known to enhance memory. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the memory ameliorating effects of CSP by employing the passive avoidance test, Y-maze task and novel object recognition test. CSP (30 or 100 mg/kg) ameliorated the declined memory induced by scopolamine injection and enhanced the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels along with post synaptic density protein 95 (PSD 95) levels at the hippocampus of the scopolamine-injected mouse brain. These results suggested that CSP alleviates the cognition declines caused by cholinergic blockade via enhancing BDNF levels and PSD 95, and that it would enhance memory formation and be useful for treating memory declines.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]