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KCI 등재
The effect of ‘illusory vowels’ in Spanish-speaking second language learners of English
( Maria Teresa Martinez Garcia )
언어와 언어학 79권 147-176(30pages)
DOI 10.20865/20187906
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003740034

This paper shows that second-language (L2) spoken-word recognition is greatly influenced by differences between the native language (L1) and the second language (L2), possibly attributed to either L1-L2 syllable-structure or phonotactic differences. Spanish-speaking English learners (experimental group) and native English listeners (control group) completed an AXB task and a word-monitoring task in which they monitored /(ǝ)s+Consonant/-initial words in English. The results show a clear effect of L1 phonotactics, as the native speakers of English outperformed the Spanish group. These results indicate that L1-L2 syllable-structure differences or L1 phonotactics have pervasive consequences for spoken-word recognition, and effect that will be further explored in the discussion section of this paper.

1. Introduction
2. Effects of L1 Phonotactics on L2 Speech Production and Perception
3. Experiment 1: AXB Task
4. Experiment 2: Word Monitoring Task
5. General Discussion and Conclusion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]