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GAP인증 학교급식 농산물 선호도 분석: 충북지역 영양사의 급식용 사과 소비를 중심으로
An Analysis of Preferences on Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Certificate School Meal Products: an Application to the Case of Apple Consumption by School Dietitians in Chungbuk Province of Korea
김성태 ( Sung-tae Kim ) , 유도일 ( Do-il Yoo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-004256677

This study aims to investigate whether it would be possible to expand the supply of GAP certificate products through school meal programs. The conjoint analysis method is applied to the case of apple consumed in school meal programs by taking questionnaire to school dietitians in Chungbuk province of Korea. The following 4 factors are considered as attributes of products: pesticide and fertilizer (PF) management representing environment-friendly certification, critical control point (CCP) management representing GAP certification, GMO, and the price. Results show that the importance of attribute is evaluated to be the highest in the order of price, PF, GMO, and CCP, showing GAP certificate products are less used for school meal programs than environment-friendly products are. Dietitians with higher reliability for GAP certificate products are shown to put more emphasis on CCP than those with lower reliability. Results of k-means cluster analysis suggest CCP is considered most for dietitians pursuing middle-level price.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]